Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gandalf vs. Moses

John and I got into a random discussion last week while doing our devotional together. We were discussing the sermon series which is going through Deuteronomy. In talking about Moses I had the most random thought, "I wonder if the Israelites viewed Moses kinda like the Gandalf of their day." So John and I set right out to see if we could come up with a list of the ways Moses and Gandalf are similar. (Gandalf is the good wizard from Lord of the Rings, just fyi)

Similarities between Gandalf and Moses

1. They both have a "magic" staff
2. They both had white hair and beards
3. They both wore robes
4. They were not conjurers of cheap tricks
5. They were both leaders of quests, Gandalf of the ring, Moses to the promised land
6. They both brought evil empires to their knees

Obviously we know that any of Moses "magic" was the power of God which makes it really that much cooler. That story is 100% true.

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