Sunday, September 19, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Life has been a little crazy around the Cox residence these last few weeks. Work has picked up for me tremendously. This is both good and bad. Good because I get paid overtime which is nice. However, it's not so great for my sanity and leaves me feeling very exhausted and emotionally drained some nights. It hasn't helped because I've had trouble sleeping the last few weeks as well adding to the stress and exhaustion. But I did sleep better last night, so I am hoping the trend will continue. 

Our schedule has changed some as well. Awana (church kids club) began last week and we are leaders for a group of kindergarten boys. They are really cute and I think it's gonna be alot of fun. It is somewhat of a rush for both of us to get there on time though. And then we have our new bible study group that started as well. Although we have merged with a new group and more than doubled in size it has been a real blessing and I am so encouraged already. It's great to continue to meet new people and grow with them. 

We have been able to play tennis a few more times and even got in a doubles match with some friends. We are enjoying that and hope the weather will stay nice enough to play some more. 

Random thoughts:
Hot tea is so wonderful! It's so soothing and relaxing. Hot tea and cookies is even better. Hot tea and cookies and a good book or tv is good. 

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