Sunday, August 22, 2010

Second Birthday Celebration

     This weekend marked the second celebration of John's birthday. He received some cool gifts which he wants to show off. So I'll let him and the pictures speak for themselves.

Even though our first choice of restaurant happened to be closed we went to Plan B and it worked out great. Headed to Sports Bar named the Anthem Grill. Here John was able to watch most of the Braves game and we all enjoyed good food.

Last night we had a lovely evening eating outside at Olive Garden. I love eating outside in the summer on a night when it is not too buggy. The main reason is due to the fact that I am not cold and don't need to bring a jacket. I am so thankful for air conditioning, but boy do they keep places cold!

This afternoon we also got new phones from Verizon and it's definitely an upgrade from what we had before so that is exciting too. However, now I have to learn a new phone

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