Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Celebrating John's Birthday

     John turned 29 yesterday and it's hard to believe that we are both pushing 30 now. I feel sometimes that life is just getting started. We celebrated all weekend and will continue to celebrate this coming weekend. We headed downtown to Navy Pier. We had planned this in advance and then were pleasantly surprised when the City of Chicago decided to give us the added bonus of the Air & Water Show. Happy Birthday indeed!
     So we took the train down there and were blessed with the perfect day. Seriously, there was not a cloud in the sky! There was a nice breeze and it was not a scorcher though it was plenty hot enough. We were even given free Red Bull upon arrival. We also obtained a free "lunch" of pita chips and hummus samples while we joined the crowds camped out to watch the show from the pier.
     Watching planes fly is not really one of my top fascinations in life but I did enjoy it and I know John loved it. Mostly I just thought about the fact that if I was in that plane flying my free lunch would have been worthless because I would not have had time to digest it before it would have been out of my system once again. Lovely thoughts. We agreed they must have stomachs of steel.
     We had fun walking around, enjoying the beautiful weather, riding the ferris wheel and playing in the sprinkler. It was a picture perfect day. Thank you Lord for the gift you gave us today.
     Monday night we went out to eat to celebrate John's actual birthday. Gotta love Red Robin coupons. They have the best burgers. I always have the hardest time deciding what to order because everything is so good and there are so many choices. I settled on a fried chicken burger and John got the regular Robin burger. Both were really good. I was worried that our waiter was not going to bring John's birthday sundae but at the last possible moment he brought it. Sigh of relief. Last year they didn't give John a sundae but this year everything is alright.

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