Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Julie & Julia

     John is working late tonight which has actually been a blessing. We could definitely use the hours but it is not often I have some girl time. Plus, I am actually get caught up on blogging which is great since I want to make the launch official already.
     I think that the movie I indulged in tonight probably gave me the extra boost I needed as well.

Julie & Julia was such a good chick flick. I know it wouldn't have been John's first choice but it was the perfect movie for me tonight. It definitely inspired me to venture out with my cooking a little more and try some things I am intimidated by. We'll see how that goes. I will keep you posted if I try anything very daring. As it was I was scarfing down grilled cheese, chips and ice cream. Not exactly french gourmet but it sure was tasty.
     I do miss my husband though and am happy that he has a job where working nights or being away from home over night is not a part of the regular routine. I know many couples have to work through that and it's do-able, but not ideal.

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