Friday, August 31, 2012

Book Review: Sarah's Key

The premise is that of a journalist investigating a story of the past that everyone wants to leave in the past. It's set in France and the event she is researching happened during WWII in France. It was a very sad time when the French acted of their own will on behalf of the Nazis and many children died. As sad as the event is, it becomes more heart wrenching for her as she finds that this past strikes closer to home than she ever could have imagined. As her investigation becomes personal what she finds both repulses and drives her on to find the truth, even at the expense of her relationships.

I didn't really care for the ending but it did keep me reading and I did enjoy the history of it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mashed Potato Fine Art

An ordinary dish of mashed potatoes 

watching Master Chef at the same time as making the potatoes
My rendition of loaded mashed potatoes. Do you think Judge Ramsay would approve? 

I fashioned the lump of potatoes into a circular shape and evened the top out with a spoon. Then I placed a round piece of thinly sliced pepper jack cheese on top, and topped it off with some green onions and pieces of bacon. It was rather fun to eat as well. I felt like it was the most sophistocated plate of mashed potatoes I had ever eaten!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Escape from Camp 14

I cannot express the hopelessness I felt as I read this horrific account of one man's escape from a North Korean prison camp, Camp 14. I should be happy he escaped, and I am. But I think of all those still there. I think of those, like him, born there. Those who know nothing of the outside world, who know nothing but what is taught inside the walls of their prison. That is their world and it is a deeply dark and disturbing place. Only God knows how he can reach these people. To me they seem more unreachable than any other group in the world today.

Anyone who says evil does not exist is fooling himself. Anyone who says that common sense will solve the world's problems obviously hasn't realized that most of the world doesn't seem to share the same common sense. Anyone who thinks that man is basically good, is basically wrong. Basically good people do not do the things to other basically good people that are done all over the world.  Evil is real and it is present and it is at work. I thank God that He has defeated evil and that one day it will be no more. But we cannot pretend it does not exist.

Read this book. Make yourself aware of what is going on. Pray for this nation. Pray for it's leaders. Pray for it's citizens. Pray for those in the prison camps. Pray that light would penetrate this dark nation that is afflicted by so much poverty, depression and hopelessness.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hooked on Hawkins

John's surprise bday gift this year was tickets to go see Tim Hawkins live. We already own all of his dvd's and love his comedy. So when I saw that he was going to be in the area around John's birthday I knew it was the perfect gift.

He was so surprised and thrilled when he found out where we were going. And I gotta tell you, the event did not disappoint. Can't wait til that set is on dvd because it was a laugh fest for sure!

In case you are wondering what I am talking about Tim Hawkins is a Christian comedian. He is a Christian. His comedy isn't "Christian." It's just good, clean, ridiculously hilarious humor. He uses music alot as well in his comedy. If you have never heard of him before you should check him out. Visit his website or even just do a search on YouTube.

His outfit for the first song.

Here is one of his more recent songs and the Official video of it from Youtube. Enjoy and be sure to support him and check out more of his comedy. Seriously, we have seen the dvd's again and again and again and they never get old and we still laugh at the same jokes every time! Especially in a day and age where comedy is equated to sex and crude-ness he is a breath of fresh air! Go get your laugh on!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

All Things in Perspective

Last week I took my car in for an oil change and a minor repair. I was told 2 hours for the wait time. John and I went to dinner and came back. When the two hours was up I was informed it would be another 2 hours because of a machine malfunction. After that 2 hours I was told it was ready and paid for it only to wait another 20 minutes and find out it was not ready and would be ready in 5 minutes, only to be told 15 minutes later that it would in fact, not be ready at all til tomorrow, but they would give me a rental car to use for free for the next day. 

I have to tell you that I was pretty frustrated. I was actually as close to fuming as I get and visibly shaken. I was trying to stay patient, but I was definitely at my breaking point. Coming in at 4:30 and getting home at 9:30 was not exactly how I planned to spend my evening, and I still had to come back the next day. I know that probably anyone in my situation would have gotten frustrated and from a human standpoint I think that is a completely natural and justified response. 

However, I was also struggling within myself. As a Christian what should my response look like in a situation like that? Do I have a right to be frustrated and angry? I pondered these questions that night while I lay awake from the adrenaline rush of my anger. What was I really angry about? I know they didn't purposely make it take longer just to make me mad. I know they were trying to fix my car and they were probably getting frustrated with their machine not working right. I was angry because  of something completely out of my control. Had they known it would have taken so long from the beginning they would have told me. I was angry because things did not go as planned. I was angry because I was inconvenienced. 

That's when God gave me a major perspective shift and I was humbled. Was my situation really that bad? I got to sit in an air conditioned waiting room in a comfy seat with a television, my kindle, magazines and my husband some of the time. My car was getting fixed, just taking longer. Plus they did give me a free rental car to drive. I had money to pay for my repair and I could pick it up tomorrow. That's pretty good. If I was a missionary living in a remote country I might not have it so easy. I imagine car repairs could take much longer. First to get parts and then to get it repaired. It kinda just helped me put things back in perspective. I did not have a right to be angry. I had a right to be grateful!

That is not my natural response, but I want it to be. I want my words to be full of patience and grace instead of anger and frustration in those situations. I need to practice....alot, but I know that God will give me many more opportunities for that ;) And I pray that this verse will become norm in my life. 

"Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Monday, August 20, 2012

10 Things I loved about my Vacation

1. The view from our mountain house.

This would never get old!

2. The Hot Tub.

Such a treat to have this available every night.

3. Being with family we don't get to see that often.

4. The food.

The wonderful family style meal of Daniel Boone Inn. I am still craving the fried chicken.
And of course we had some good bbq too! No joke, I gained 8 lbs on this trip and loved every minute of it.

5. The scenery.

I love the Blue Ridge Parkway!

6. The quiet serenity every morning brought and the hummingbirds.

I loved the morning clouds below us. My favorite breakfast spot was out on the deck listening the birds.

7. Shopping in Boone. Found some good deals and I loved the original, locally made items.

8. White Water Rafting. I don't have any pictures but it was class 3-4 rapids and it was a rocking good time! Didn't fall out of the boat, but a few of us came close once or twice.

9. Driving through the country. Something about driving through the country makes me yearn for the simpler life. I think this city girl is tired of the hustle and bustle of the city life.

10. Getting to see a sky of endless stars. Wow! I mean wow! I felt like I was at the planetarium, and John even saw a shooting star. I missed it while I was dealing with a mosquito feasting on my leg.

All in all, it was a great trip and I did not want to come home!