Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Weekend

Had some friends come and stay with us over Easter weekend and it was a grand time. For the first time in a few weeks we had sunshine and warm weather and we definitely took advantage of it. We went to the Lincoln Park Zoo and meandered around, just enjoying the sights, sounds and sun. When we stumbled into the conservatory though, we stumbled into Spring. The first thought I had was, "So this is where you've been hiding!" It was so green and flowery and I never wanted to leave.

Many pictures and ooohs and ahhhs later we left the zoo and walked to Giordano's to meet up with another of their friends and have Chicago deep dish pizza. Oh so wonderful! Headed home on the train and due to some delays it took  2 hours. Yikes, but eventually we made it home and slept soundly.

It was great to spend time with friends and family for Easter and as always to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. We are grateful for the new life we can have in Him. And I was grateful for the reminder at the zoo of the new life (flowers) that will eventually be coming our way, hopefully soon.

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