Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Day the Jeep Died

Goodbye Compass!

Monday April 18, 2011

This day started out much like any other day. However, not too far in it was clear that it would surely play out completely different than anticipated. I received a call from John at about 7am from a gas station. His clutch went out in his jeep, rendering it un-driveable. Not good. Ok. I need to pause here and take a short trip back in time. The last time we had this car serviced it had a major repair, and the time before that, and so on. We were already well aware that it was time to trade it in and get a new car. It was something we just had not quite gotten around to yet. 

That being said, this new event forced our hand and it was no longer something we could put off. John had the car towed to the dealership and then we ended up having it towed again to Carmax. I left work at lunch and met John at Carmax where after hours of thought, browsing, tears, discussion, prayer, consideration, frustration and surrender we drove home a 2008 honda civic. Dinner at Panera helped to ease the pain a little. 

It was a tough purchase because it was not in ideal circumstances or exactly in the budget but after a few days God really gave us peace about it and I can now be excited about our "new" car. It drives nice. So now we are just praying it lasts for a r-e-a-l-l-y long time. 

The Replacement

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