Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Power of Love and Music

Les Miserables

We went to see the theater production at the Cadilac Palace Theater downtown a month ago and we both loved it. Amazing music, production and story. I cried alot during the 2nd half, but that’s to be expected. 
It is such a beautiful story with so much depth. I saw some parallels watching it that made me extremely thankful for God’s grace, mercy and love. The law condemns, nothing more. The law without grace is why Romans 6:23 says “the wages of sin is death.” We deserve death according to “the law”, God’s standard of holiness. But unlike Javier who did not understand that God could change hearts and allow someone to become righteous through Jesus’ sacrifice, God imparts his grace and mercy on us because of his love. He gives us a chance to escape the punishment we deserve. How amazing is His agape love! Truly “we love, because he first loved us.” 

1 comment:

  1. Les Mis is one of my absolute FAVORITE shows! And I completely agree... it really makes you think about and be thankful for God's grace and mercy! :)
