Friday, November 19, 2010

Homeless for the Holidays

I received a free screener copy of a Christmas movie a few weeks ago so I could watch and review it. I’ve seen it in the Family Christian Store magazine so I figured it couldn’t be that bad. I am usually skeptical of these type of low budget films and don’t care for them too much.

Homeless for the Holidays

However, this one had a really good message. No, the acting won’t win any academy awards and there were some cheesy, over the top moments. But overall, I thought it was well done and a good family movie.

The premise of the movie is what happens in the life of a man and his family when he loses his job and finds himself homeless for the holidays. It touches on some great truths about the way men and women think. It deals with the pride of a man and his desire to provide for his family. How much is too much and what is really important? What is a man willing to do to provide for those he loves? It deals with the insecurities of a woman and how important it is to be supportive of your husband.

Most importantly it speaks of the issue of generosity and how much of a blessing we can truly be to others, even when we don’t have much to give. It was certainly a challenging message but a great reminder of what Jesus calls us to do. And not just this Christmas season, but always. We are called to give generously and to love others. How often I fall short of that!

So despite the weak moments in this film I would recommend it as a great tool for reminding yourselves and your kids of what the truly important things are in this life. And even better is if you are able to put into practice the truths brought to life.

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